Since Between Words came out, I’ve had the chance to connect with readers who resonated with this book, and who have inspired me in turn.
Between Words is out in the world. When I notice myself getting swept up in the whirlwind of todos that comes with launching a book, I’ve found it helpful to pause and relish how miraculous all of this is.
What is the point of art, creativity, imagination and storytelling in the face of a tumultuous, unhinged, and violent world?
Feeling like a misfit is something that I think most of us can identify with. For me, not knowing the right words to say was intimately linked to my outsider complex.
I was seven when our family moved to France. On my first day at an English speaking elementary school, I was standing alone on the playground at a loss for what to do or say…
Four (plus) years in the making, I’m STOKED I finally get to share this picture book with the world! BETWEEN WORDS is a fantastical reimagining of my experience as a multi-ethnic kid who moved around the globe.